Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tips To Make Your Mind Peace

Have you ever felt like your brain will not be quiet? I’ve had a real struggle with this for a lot of my life. Whether my mind is obsessed with worries or involved in creative brainstorming, sometimes it will not leave me alone! While I get a real high when my brain starts off on a creative spiral, I’m not so crazy about the nervous system overload that comes with it. Anxiety and sleeplessness get old very fast. Over the last few years, I’ve done a much better job of stopping myself before I get caught in a mental frenzy of activity. Today, I have a confession to make…I fell off the wagon.

So here I’d like to share ways to have a “mind like water”, a state of mind so peaceful that it’s like a calm water.

Stop and think of three things that you have in your life right now that you are thankful for. Think of three blessings or three things that make you happy that you have in your life right now. You can do this anytime you are feeling stressed out or like you are being short changed by life.

Reduce your use of rational thinking, you should increase your use of intuition. Listen to your intuition whenever you need to make decisions. Your intuition often knows more than you think. Furthermore, since intuition works instantly, it won’t bring a lot of things into your mind. Your mind will remain calm and peaceful. No wonder Einstein said that “The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

Don't take everything too personally. Some emotional and mental detachment is desirable. Try to view your life and other people with a little detachment and less involvement. Detachment is not indifference, lack of interest or coldness. It is the ability to think and judge impartially and logically. Don't worry if again and again you fail to manifest detachment. Just keep trying.

When things are tough you should walk to a window and take one long, deep breath. When you do this you should focus on nothing but your breath. This sounds very simple but it is very effective. If you do not have a window then just take a deep breath and focus on the way your breath feels on your upper lip as you exhale

Meditation is one of the best ways to calm your mind and have a “mind like water”. . Learn to practice meditation. Even a few minutes a day will make a change in your life. Meditation is a good way to purify it.

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