Thursday, November 5, 2009

Negative Attitude

Everyone gets down in the dumps occasionally. We have our ups and downs, our successes and failures. We just naturally feel positive some times and negative at other times. There are times, however, that we don’t bounce back quickly from our negative attitude. It may be a result of failing after putting everything we have into a project. We just want to throw in the towel and give up.

When you remain negative for a long period, it is a signal that something is wrong. It can lead to depression, lack luster job performance, and eventually to poor health. We need to try extra hard to snap out of it. Your attitude and thoughts affect you, your life and the people around you. The thoughts that you think most often affect your behavior and expectations, and the manner people treat you. If you worry too much, lack faith in yourself, and often run movies about problems and failure in your mind, you will eventually attract problems and failure, and would make your life difficult. Being negative, you will feel that you do not deserve success, and would therefore not try to improve your life.

The negative world of our imagination creates a negative world that is real and one that we are forced to live in. Take Ralph, for example. He’s always complaining about life. “Nowadays people are rude and surly. No matter where you go or what you do, you have to deal with ill-bred people.” As he said this, we made our way to a coffee shop. Once inside, we were greeted by a cheerful chap who asked us what we would like. Sighing (as if it took a great effect to speak), Ralph, almost inaudibly, ordered a medium sized regular coffee. When it arrived, he started complaining. Pointing to the cup, he said, “This is medium?” Without waiting for a response, he added, “You should have told me your cups are so small; I would have ordered a large one if I knew.” Despite the long line that Ralph was holding up, the man behind the counter tried to be patient. Without complaint, he took away the small coffee and replaced it with a large one. As soon as it arrived, Ralph looked at it aghast and bellowed, “You call this regular? There’s not enough cream!” The man behind the counter, who only moments ago was cheerful was now upset and sarcastically replied, “Yes, for MOST people, this is regular, but if you INSIST, I’ll put in more cream. Perhaps next time you may want to ask for DOUBLE cream!” I was next, so I got my coffee and joined Ralph at the table. “See,” he told me, “what did I say to you? People are rude.” Yes, in Ralph’s world, people ARE rude, but what he does not realize is he makes them so.

So true! Our mindset determines our level of success in life. A negative attitude can be the downfall of an otherwise potentially happy life. But you can change! You can improve your attitude and improve the results that you are getting.

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