Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts such as greed, anger and hate are like viruses. If you give them any attention, they will start to breed and become increasingly difficult to get rid of. Getting rid of these negative thoughts will have a positive impact on your life. Our body has strong physiological responses to whatever emotions we are experiencing. Negative emotions like fear and anger cause negative bodily actions like increased blood pressure. Positive emotions like peace and happiness cause positive bodily responses like increased oxygen flow to the brain!

The negative thoughts you have been having can make any rational thinking very difficult, and these thoughts can lead to other problems, such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Now is the time to break the cycle, stop these corrosive thoughts from entering into your mind and poisoning your life and relationships. This can be incredibly energizing and life enhancing, and you will feel that a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
Negativity has been built up into your subconsciousness, and its invidious effect on you has stunted your potential, so you need to destroy these thought processes, and replace them with positive thoughts and images.

Let us see how to get rid of negative thinking patterns. These negative thoughts may have been ingrained in your subconsciousness for most of your life without you even realizing it, and they may have been working against you making any progress in your life.
  1. Turn off your phone or any other electronic device that makes noise.

  2. Sit in a comfortable position. It can be in a chair or on the floor, whichever suits you. Please note that if you are on the floor it is recommended that you cushion yourself with something soft like a pillow.
  3. Breath deeply, focus on your breath. Notice how it flows in through your nostrils, down into your lungs and back out.

  4. After you have established a breathing pattern, focus on your thoughts. Watch them come and go. Don't hold on to any particular one, just watch.
  5. Observe the negative thoughts. Don't give them any attention, just watch them. If you label them for what they are, they usually go away. More persistent ones, however, will stay. For these kinds of thoughts, invite a positive one over and they will probably go away.

  6. Practice regularly, and you will start to see improvement
Try this mental exercise to help you STOP the negative thinking.

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