Friday, October 23, 2009

Seven Way To Success

If you like to achieve your fame, just follow the seven steps which will guide you in reaching what you have aspired so far.

1 Persistence

Less than ten people in a hundred start something and see it through to the end. This is because they naturally do not persist or pursue! The first denial or failure is final for such people and they will immediately bury their idea no matter how brilliant it is. Persistence is the remedy that will deal with failure, to persist is to try again until you get the desired result. Do not take “NO" for an answer! Failure and persistence cannot co-exist. Failure will eventually have to pack her bags and go for fear of persistence. I remember when I wrote my first book (Breaking The Invisible Barriers), I approached a number of publishers who refused to even look at the manuscript. It was a stressing time in which giving up was easier than continuing to try. I persisted and I approached anyone whom I thought could help! I was disappointed several times but I eventually hit gold, I met someone who introduced me to my current publisher. To date, that book has continued to surpass my expectations.

2 Set a Goal

Thomas Edison believed there were no such things as mistakes, only eliminated options that brought him one step closer to his goal. There is no such thing as failure, he claimed, only lessons to be learned.

Most people find it difficult to see a failure in an analytical, impartial fashion; many of us were raised to believe that if we failed at something, we were failures. Therefore, as adults, we take failure personally, believing our lack of success indicates a lack in our character. Instead, we must look at the situation objectively, as a matter of cause and effect. The fact that we fail in business situations does not mean we are failures, but rather that we didn t create the right cause to achieve the desired effect.

If you find yourself in a stuck emotional state, go back and analyze the steps you took and see what you might have done differently. Remove the emotional involvement; just look at the raw data. Logically and dispassionately examine the course you chose and determine why it did not yield the result you wanted, and then consider why it was not appropriate for that particular situation . You ll need to acknowledge what you did that led to the failure, and take responsibility for it. But, like Thomas Edison, you should take what you can learn from it and move on.

3 Focus on the negative effects
Happiness does not come from the elimination of pain, but from the realization of your purpose. Keep reminding yourself why you are doing what you’re doing. Even less lofty purposes can be transformed over time if you look at the higher goal. The key is to look beneath the surface to find the spiritual meaning.
attitude, not a place.

To succeed, you’ll need to look at the higher goals you’ve set and determine their importance, then focus on what is meaningful to you, rather than on the mundane aspects or the things you hate about your job. If you develop and focus on a strong enough reason or purpose to keep going, you will succeed at each step you take toward your goal. Without a sense of purpose, you will lack motivation and consciously or subconsciously doom yourself to failure.

4 Never Procrastinate

Procrastination is one of man’s worst enemies. This habit lurks behind the shadows waiting to destroy any form of success in life. Many people know exactly what they want to do in life but they will never begin it waiting for the right time! The great King Solomon spoke in his wisdom and said “He that observes the wind will never sow." Learn a lesson from the farmer, he does not wait for the perfect whether conditions to put his seed in the ground. You must desist from the habit of wanting to do things when everything looks favorable. In life, there must always be an element of chance. No one has ever succeeded waiting for the perfect conditions. The truth of matter is that perfect conditions will never come! The bumble bee knows that to survive, it must go out every day to do its work.

5 Do Something New

Doing nothing is the greatest threat to success. Yet, so many of us spend way too much time worrying about the possible outcomes and trying to make up our mind. Success comes from trying a lot of things even if you fail at some. Believe in yourself and do it, it is much better than sitting on your chair and agonizing.

I find women are better at the worrying too much and not doing anything game. In fact, I recently read a study that said women worry 2.5 times as much as men. Use this simple strategy to get rid of that worry:

Just sit down and make a list of the absolutely worst things that could happen if you do the thing you’ve been thinking about.Make another list of the absolutely best things that could happen as a result of doing that particular task.Now, what does the in-between scenario look like?A lot of times you’ll feel very relieved after doing this exercise. You may realize your worst case scenario wasn’t as bad as you were making it.

6 Decision

We are where we are today because of the decisions that we have or not made in the past! You must engage yourself in a habit of making decisions and sticking to them. You are created to make decisions and failure to decide on things will put you at the mercy of events. Opportunities run away from indecisive people. It is easy to see these people their language is filled with, “I almost got that deal or that car etc…" Act fast and do not change your decisions too quickly. Ineffective people make very slow decisions and they change them quickly and frequently. You cannot get ahead that way.

7 Cultivate Success Habits

As we discussed in the beginning of the article, success is a collection of habits. One of the fastest ways to reach your definition of success is to find what habits are needed to get to that definition. Some habits that work for almost all types of success are:

  • A positive belief in your ability developing your self confidence will take you a long way when discouraging things happen.
  • Accept failure and take the lessons from it I have found that failure is something that will show up, it’s just a matter of time. Most people give up when they sense failure but successful people love to look at failure as a stepping stone that takes them one step closer to their goals.
  • Be passionate about your goals – I haven’t met a single successful person who does not believe in his/her goals. Passion is what gives you the drive and motivation needed to work late hours and to keep going when things go wrong.

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