Saturday, October 31, 2009

Peace Of Mind

Most people would be glad to have some peace of mind in their life. They would be happy to forget their troubles, problems and worries, and enjoy a few moments of inner calmness and freedom from obsessing thoughts.

What is peace of mind? It is a state of inner calmness and tranquility, together with a sense of freedom, when thoughts and worries cease, and there is no stress, strain or fear. Such moments are not so rare. They may be experienced while being engaged in some kind of an absorbing or interesting activity, such as while watching an interesting movie or TV program, while being with someone you love, while reading a book or while lying on the sand at the beach.

All living beings have the same basic wish to be happy and avoid suffering, but very few people understand the real causes of happiness and suffering. We generally believe that external conditions such as food, friends, cars, and money are the real causes of happiness, and as a result we devote nearly all our time and energy to acquiring these. Superficially it seems that these things can make us happy, but if we look more deeply we shall see that they also bring us a lot of suffering and problems.

Peace of mind is conductive to better emotional and physical health, increased energy, stronger mental powers, improved memory and a better ability to learn and study. It also helps handling more efficiently the daily affairs of life, and stressful and difficult situations and circumstances.

Do you know that a stronger concentration ability brings deeper peace of mind, and a quiet mind strengthens the ability to concentrate? These two abilities are interconnected.

We live in a world where fear, strain and restlessness abound. You might think that there is nothing to do about it, and accept this situation as an inevitable evil, but you don't have to. You can experience inner peace even under stressful conditions and circumstances, but it does not come instantly. It is developed gradually through special training.

Just think how important it is for you. Become convinced of its importance, and decide to do something about it. Inner peace ultimately leads to external peace. By creating peace in our inner world, we bring it into the external world, affecting other people too.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Focus On The Positive Side

Society as a whole,we often focus mostly on the negative side of things more than a positive.Its seem to be the normal home at work place we often experiences our boss/parent only have time for us when we make mistake.I’m sure you’ve heard people say that you shouldn’t focus too much on the negative things in life, but rather that you should focus on the positive things instead. Instead of looking at the negative side of things, they say, you should look at the positive side and try to appreciate that

In times of doubt and uncertainty, many Americans turn to self-help books in search of encouragement, guidance and self-affirmation. The positive self-statements suggested in these books, such as "I am a lovable person" or "I will succeed," are designed to lift a person's low self-esteem and push them into positive action.

Focusing on the positive things in life seems to be human nature. When I see people doing this, I don’t blame them at all. In fact, I can very much understand why they do this. Imagine if you didn’t focus on all those small positive things in life, where would you get the inspiration and energy to keep on living? Life is so full of problems and it’s not easy to be happy and optimistic. In fact, it is quite impossible to be happy in life when you realize certain things and when you want to be really honest to yourself.

"Repeating positive self-statements may benefit certain people [such as individuals with high self-esteem] but backfire for the very people who need them the most."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Failure Are The Pillar Of Success

Success and failures are the two aspects of human life. They are just like the two sides of a coin. A man is always happy with his success and obviously sad in his failure. The proverb means that success comes through failures or failure is the mother of success. Human life is a long and continuous battle. In this battle, many of us fail. But we should not give up the attempt. We should try again and again. Each time when we fail we learn some lesson. Remember well, foundation of success becomes stronger only when it passes through many failures or obstacles. Failures are like the struggles of life. A man who has struggled a lot in life is able to face any difficulty. Likewise failure makes a man more devoted towards his duty. So, we should not discourage ourselves with our failures. When we fail once, we have the experience of failure. We learn by experience in second attempt. Our experience makes us wiser and bolder. Then, there will be the foundation of success. In fact success depends upon wisdom and self-confidence. Take advantage of our experience, and you can bypass the mistakes we made on these journey.

Success depends upon the labor of a person and his mental quality. A person must know how to succeed in life. To achieve success we must be hard working. We have to attempt again and again for success and never beware of working hard. We should have courage and the will to succeed. We should not accept defeat at any cost. We will lose the battle of life if we feel defeated. We must be optimistic in life. Pessimistic people discourage themselves and are always defeated in life. We have to accept the challenge with determination and bravery. Of course failures are unpleasant things. But they point the way to success.

The key to success is to create your own reality. You are responsible for your life, and you can create what you want. You simply have to take the action to do so.
  1. See (really see) what's possible
  2. Know specifically what you want to achieve
  3. Make good decisions
  4. Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds
  5. Earn the trust and respect of the people around you.
successful people do the things that unsuccessful people aren't willing to do. They go the extra mile and make a little bit of extra effort.The key in that last statement, however, is "a little bit" of extra effort. When a horse wins by a nose, it didn't take a lot of extra effort for that horse to win. You needn't work hard to have a successful internet business, but you do need to stretch beyond your personal status quo. Practice self-mastery, get the proper tools, and stretch yourself beyond your current limits which is the only way to success.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

LIve a Happy LIfe

In each day that passes by, we stand by and witness how our lives are being lived without the full happiness and satisfaction we crave and need. Most people spend their time stressed out, worried and on a constant panic about what needs to be done for their futures, raising their children, wired up over work, school, along with everything else. Does this sound familiar? Well if it does, it is because so many people live with this style and pattern. When you can start living that fully happy and satisfied life

No matter how you define happiness for yourself, there are certain universal and time-proven strategies to bring, and sustain, more happiness into your life. The following 14 ways to live a happy life can be adapted and even customized to fit your needs. Over time, these strategies will become positive and life-changing habits that will begin to bring more happiness, joy and peace into your life.

I hear people all the time say that they want to be happy but when I ask them what happiness is to them they have a hard to explaining it to me. You see I if you don’t know what happiness is to you than the most it will ever be is a thought or an idea. As soon as you define what it is then you have something to work towards in your life

This may seem very obvious but you would be surprised how many people choose jobs, relationships, and things that make them unhappy. If you want happiness in your life than you have to choose to bring things into your life that will make you happy. If you hate your job, go out and find one that is a great fit for you and will make you happy doing it.

f you know what makes you happy than you need to set goals to reach those things. Don’t just say that you will be happy if certain things happen in your life; begin to set goals that will help you bring it into your life. Nothing comes to those that want, only to those that make it come.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Optimistic Approach is the Key To Success

Optimistic approach is the key to success. Never you could find a successful person being pessimistic, if you dwell deeper about their life history you could see how optimistically they handled the issues that approaches them. Beyond all their hard work you could see the secret of success lies in the way they think.

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising. People around you pick your mental moods and are affected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.

In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure your success.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Conquer Fear

Look, everybody is afraid of something. The most successful people have mastered fear with courage and learned to forge ahead. Today, make a decision to forge ahead with something in your life or in your business. Make a decision to face at least one of your fears. Take a risk and get better at something you’re afraid of. Face a fear with courage and you’ll see payoffs emerging faster than you ever could have imagined.

It would be easy for me to say that you just shouldn’t care what others think about you. What they say doesn’t matter, doesn’t define you, has nothing to do with you. I could easily say that. But the problem is that we’re not just subject to the criticism of others when we fail. We still have to face our harshest critic: ourselves.

Remember, Mark has been right where you are now. He will guide you step by step through what it took for him ton overcome those fears and begin to experience success in his life.

One of the first things he will teach you is how to analyze your fears. Then he will teach you how to take action and understand how to reap the consequences, good or bad.

Once you have accomplished those tasks you will discover how to build your confidence. Most of us who have those paralyzing fears have absolutely no idea of how to build self-confidence because we never had any to begin with!

Well, those days are over.

Listen, the only way you can truly understand how life-changing this guide can be is to buy it. It's a fraction of the cost you would pay for a shrink. In fact, it's probably not priced high enough for all the life-changing lessons you are going to get.

Regardless, don't pass it up because it is so inexpensive. Conquer your fear today. It's priceless!

The Way You See

Did you ever think there was a better, different way to live? Did you ever think, “Maybe I don’t have to go to a job and work 40+ hours a week, feel exhausted, wish for more time for myself or my family, and wonder when the fun stuff begins?” If so, get ready: your life’s about to change.

Frequently, in business and in life, we get too comfortable. We find solid ground – a place that feels safe – we get comfortable, and we settle in. We’re programmed to do it. It’s how we operate. Look for safety and stay there. But these days, it’s imperative that we act against our programming to truly succeed and find our own greatness.

Get Rid Of Fear

Many people say they have a fear of success. What does this mean? It means that when these folks envision their success, they see the ways in which they’ll disappoint people, the ways they won’t be able to handle the success, the ways they’ll mess up their success… ultimately, I actually believe that a fear of success is a fear of failure in disguise. In my experience, most people aren’t actually afraid of success, but rather of failing after the success. They’re afraid they can’t handle it and they’ll fall much farther than if they’d never tried at all. It’s much more painful to fall from, say, a 20-story building, than it is to fall from a sidewalk curb. It’s the fall from the height of success that we fear, not the success itself.

Let’s look at fear of failure, since that’s at the core of what’s holding people back. I’ve recently updated my thoughts about fear of failure. I’ve been reading Seth Godin’s book, Tribes, and Godin has some absolutely profound and brilliant thoughts on the fear that keeps us in our comfort zones. In Tribes, Godwin says that there’s a common misconception about a fear of failure. He says that the fear of failure isn’t actually fear of failure at all – it’s a fear of criticism. We’re more afraid of being judged for our failures than anything else.

So now that we’ve isolated this fear of criticism, what does one do about it? How do you conquer the one thing that gets in the way more than anything else- more than lack of skills, more than lack of knowledge, more than bad luck or anything else you might think how to conquer fear.

Look, everybody is afraid of something. The most successful people have mastered fear with courage and learned to forge ahead. Today, make a decision to forge ahead with something in your life or in your business. Make a decision to face at least one of your fears. Take a risk and get better at something you’re afraid of. Face a fear with courage and you’ll see payoffs emerging faster than you ever could have imagined.

The Journey To Success

Are you an entrepreneur, a small business owner who continues to juggle with your business, family and home, leaving no time for yourself and spending less time with the family. Your journey to success has taken more time and energy than you bargained for. The dream, struggle, and victory are important to achieving success. Having a dream is so important because people would quit when they faced challenges and times got tough. There is no way to succeed in any area of life without going through all three. The dream will be the fuel that drives you during all the struggles. The struggle brings about experiences that will help you through the journey. The victory will bring about endless rewards if you are willing to survive the battle. Time is slipping by and you wonder if you will ever come out of this and question the cost of success and living your dreams.

There is no victory without the struggle. In an ideal world it would be great to achieve victory without the struggle, but unfortunately that in not realistic. It is going to take good old fashioned hard work to succeed in any area of life. The good news is that if you are willing to see the journey through to the end, the rewards will be endless and victory will taste so sweet.Just remember that the journey of life will take you through the dream, struggle and victory together. Look at them as your friends. Realize that you need them achieve your ultimate prize. Embrace them and never try to skip a step. Success is a journey that works from the inside out. Learn how to live the life you need.

Seven Way To Success

If you like to achieve your fame, just follow the seven steps which will guide you in reaching what you have aspired so far.

1 Persistence

Less than ten people in a hundred start something and see it through to the end. This is because they naturally do not persist or pursue! The first denial or failure is final for such people and they will immediately bury their idea no matter how brilliant it is. Persistence is the remedy that will deal with failure, to persist is to try again until you get the desired result. Do not take “NO" for an answer! Failure and persistence cannot co-exist. Failure will eventually have to pack her bags and go for fear of persistence. I remember when I wrote my first book (Breaking The Invisible Barriers), I approached a number of publishers who refused to even look at the manuscript. It was a stressing time in which giving up was easier than continuing to try. I persisted and I approached anyone whom I thought could help! I was disappointed several times but I eventually hit gold, I met someone who introduced me to my current publisher. To date, that book has continued to surpass my expectations.

2 Set a Goal

Thomas Edison believed there were no such things as mistakes, only eliminated options that brought him one step closer to his goal. There is no such thing as failure, he claimed, only lessons to be learned.

Most people find it difficult to see a failure in an analytical, impartial fashion; many of us were raised to believe that if we failed at something, we were failures. Therefore, as adults, we take failure personally, believing our lack of success indicates a lack in our character. Instead, we must look at the situation objectively, as a matter of cause and effect. The fact that we fail in business situations does not mean we are failures, but rather that we didn t create the right cause to achieve the desired effect.

If you find yourself in a stuck emotional state, go back and analyze the steps you took and see what you might have done differently. Remove the emotional involvement; just look at the raw data. Logically and dispassionately examine the course you chose and determine why it did not yield the result you wanted, and then consider why it was not appropriate for that particular situation . You ll need to acknowledge what you did that led to the failure, and take responsibility for it. But, like Thomas Edison, you should take what you can learn from it and move on.

3 Focus on the negative effects
Happiness does not come from the elimination of pain, but from the realization of your purpose. Keep reminding yourself why you are doing what you’re doing. Even less lofty purposes can be transformed over time if you look at the higher goal. The key is to look beneath the surface to find the spiritual meaning.
attitude, not a place.

To succeed, you’ll need to look at the higher goals you’ve set and determine their importance, then focus on what is meaningful to you, rather than on the mundane aspects or the things you hate about your job. If you develop and focus on a strong enough reason or purpose to keep going, you will succeed at each step you take toward your goal. Without a sense of purpose, you will lack motivation and consciously or subconsciously doom yourself to failure.

4 Never Procrastinate

Procrastination is one of man’s worst enemies. This habit lurks behind the shadows waiting to destroy any form of success in life. Many people know exactly what they want to do in life but they will never begin it waiting for the right time! The great King Solomon spoke in his wisdom and said “He that observes the wind will never sow." Learn a lesson from the farmer, he does not wait for the perfect whether conditions to put his seed in the ground. You must desist from the habit of wanting to do things when everything looks favorable. In life, there must always be an element of chance. No one has ever succeeded waiting for the perfect conditions. The truth of matter is that perfect conditions will never come! The bumble bee knows that to survive, it must go out every day to do its work.

5 Do Something New

Doing nothing is the greatest threat to success. Yet, so many of us spend way too much time worrying about the possible outcomes and trying to make up our mind. Success comes from trying a lot of things even if you fail at some. Believe in yourself and do it, it is much better than sitting on your chair and agonizing.

I find women are better at the worrying too much and not doing anything game. In fact, I recently read a study that said women worry 2.5 times as much as men. Use this simple strategy to get rid of that worry:

Just sit down and make a list of the absolutely worst things that could happen if you do the thing you’ve been thinking about.Make another list of the absolutely best things that could happen as a result of doing that particular task.Now, what does the in-between scenario look like?A lot of times you’ll feel very relieved after doing this exercise. You may realize your worst case scenario wasn’t as bad as you were making it.

6 Decision

We are where we are today because of the decisions that we have or not made in the past! You must engage yourself in a habit of making decisions and sticking to them. You are created to make decisions and failure to decide on things will put you at the mercy of events. Opportunities run away from indecisive people. It is easy to see these people their language is filled with, “I almost got that deal or that car etc…" Act fast and do not change your decisions too quickly. Ineffective people make very slow decisions and they change them quickly and frequently. You cannot get ahead that way.

7 Cultivate Success Habits

As we discussed in the beginning of the article, success is a collection of habits. One of the fastest ways to reach your definition of success is to find what habits are needed to get to that definition. Some habits that work for almost all types of success are:

  • A positive belief in your ability developing your self confidence will take you a long way when discouraging things happen.
  • Accept failure and take the lessons from it I have found that failure is something that will show up, it’s just a matter of time. Most people give up when they sense failure but successful people love to look at failure as a stepping stone that takes them one step closer to their goals.
  • Be passionate about your goals – I haven’t met a single successful person who does not believe in his/her goals. Passion is what gives you the drive and motivation needed to work late hours and to keep going when things go wrong.

Success-Defination of Sucess

Success is the one which everyone like to have it for longer period and strive hard to get it. But to me success lies in the way you take any issues approaching you, as no one can get the success at commencing stage. For success one should put on more effort and contribute more as it is not such an easy thing. Many successful person in this universe has reached their goal after facing many failure in their life. According to me success lies in their way of taking anything that comes, never putting up their effort when failure approaches them. The key to success lies in the way you take it. You must be patient enough to take everything as a learning process though the path you go may may be hard never allow your mind in depressed stage, try to have a full control over your mind so that it never be a hinderance to your effort you take up. "failure is the stepping stone of success" which no one can refuse , so keep this in mind and have a good journey to gain a fame or prosperity.

I think success should be more synonymous with happiness than with affluence. For it's only when you find satisfaction with what you're doing and don't dread facing every new day when your task has to be embarked upon, that you are really successful. When you can move in an environment that pleases you, and when you feel at ease with the ones you deal with on a daily base; when you feel loved, cared for, understood, and valued in what you do, and you don't have to switch personalities from one location to another: that's when you've really attained success. When you see that you make a difference, if only in one person's life; when you are confronted with gratitude, not only from others toward you, but from your outer-self to your inner-self: that's when you are a real winner.

Attitude is everything. If you think you can, you most certainly can. success is not closeted within some kind of brick and mortar premises. It assumes the individuality of a complete act executed with perfection. Material achievements do not define life. We do not remember the sports stars for the products they endorse but the spirit of achievement they represent. In the abundance of positive attitude underlies the grandeur of a truly rewarding and rich life.

My conclusion is, that success has just as many faces as any other possible theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the character of the person who measures it. Wrongfully, many people confuse success with wealth: they assume that a person's triumph can be concluded from the expensiveness of his or her watch, car, or house. They envy those in their circle of acquaintances who can financially afford more than they can. They keep comparing themselves and allow their happiness to depend on the level to which they can equal these people's lifestyles. And they forget to just do the simplest thing in the world: turn inside and analyze what it is that they really like.