Thursday, December 3, 2009

Folow Simple Way Of Life

'P' asked "Shekhar, why do make life so complex. Why don't you just "be". Acceptance is beautiful once you truly understand it...keep living in the moment...."

Your statement " Acceptance is truly beautiful if you understand it" is so beautifully stated. It is what I am trying to do. Understand what acceptance means and strive towards it. Acceptance cannot just mean cowardice or inaction. Acceptance must lead to purity of action. Where action is separated from the result of that action. And how do I separate myself from the result of my action ?

That was what I was trying to come to terms with in my last post. That what we call 'result' of our actions is often independent of our action. It has an individuality of it's own. It has it's own life and often the relationship is the other way round. We are caught up in the Karma of the event (the result s we call it), and assume ourselves as one of the cause.

In fact the Universe in it's true nature has no place for words like 'cause' and "result'. The result and the cause are intertwined in an eternal bond, which is part of a universal matrix of the play of the universe.

So what does "Acceptance is beautiful when you truly understand it" mean unless you experience the the idea that time has a linear value only if you desire it. Or your Ego does, for it needs to see a distance between cause and result. The Ego needs to contextualize it's actions by the result (or imagined result) of it's action to know that it exists..

Yet this duality was what Buddha meditated over - trying to come to vision of Shunyata, of a vast emptying of the mind off our Ego and experiencing ourselves as in Unity with existence, where time and space have only imagined existences.

Yes, you are right 'P', 'Acceptance is beautiful when you truly understand it' ..... but I have a long way to go before I can truly get there. The journey began as a little boy reaching out to the idea of forever, and still goes on. You sound like you are much further ahead than I am, so I would love for you to share your experiences with our community.

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